Creating personalized financial systems you truly get

Shedding light on your values and how they affect your money mindset

Breaking down all the numbers so they empower you, instead of sending you into a spiral!

Providing resources that make your financial future easier and more secure

I’m a trained accountant who wants you to feel as confident with your numbers as you are with your work.

I help you by:

The world needs your specific brand of creativity, art, and passion.

Thing is, money is loaded and emotionally charged.

Believe me. Even as a financial professional, I’ve slogged through my own negative money habits linked to emotions and past experiences.

That’s why it’s so important to unlearn perceptions that get in the way of your money confidence.

Our businesses are more than a hobby. They’re our lifeline.

My goal is to help you see yourself as a person who can be good at money — so you can build a profitable, values-aligned creative business. 

Most run-of-the-mill accountants don’t know where to start with creative businesses. That means you end up frustrated and overwhelmed trying to make your business fit into a rigid formula that isn’t made for you.  

My strategy? Reverse engineer a custom financial system so you can wrap your brain around it.

I’ve made creative business owners my specialty because:

  1. I love helping you create systems that work for your mind, lifestyle, and unique business goals.
  2. Despite the exploitative business models we’ve all grown used to, you SHOULD be paid well for your work without sacrificing your values.
  3. You’re some of the most kind, generous, and smart people I know!

Make money work for your creative brain.

Sure, I’m here to coach you, to show you the path, and (lovingly) kick your butt when you need it.

But the truth is, I want you to eventually do those things for yourself.

Money confidence to me means you feel empowered, in control, and secure financially.

You understand your business and personal finances, where you are, and what you need to do to move closer to your goals.

Just like any other skill in your life, if I do my job right, you won’t need me forever.

Excuse me while I step onto my soapbox

I want you to have Money Confidence

You are smart enough, savvy enough, 
and educated enough to manage your finances

I’ll provide the tools to make sure you believe it. 

You are smart enough, savvy enough, 
and educated enough to manage your finances

Bonus facts for the scrollers

Where do we match up?

I love being creative myself! I’m an amateur film photographer and acrylic painter

I’m also an Accounting Manager for Series C and D Startups where I do all sorts of nerdy number things and financial forecasting 🤓

I believe there’s always a way to honor our values AND succeed — those aren’t mutually exclusive 

Balance and time off are huge for me. I believe we can work hard and run a successful business without sacrificing that

I’m obsessed with traveling, but also just as content bopping around my community in the East Atlanta Village

“[Jillian] really brings in a holistic, kind, and compassionate way of working with money.”

“Money can be utterly terrifying if you have that relationship from your history or conditioning. You approach it by providing tangible tools and also mindset stuff. [Because] you can bring in a great money mindset, but if you can’t actually practice saving and having a healthy relationship…you need both. I was able to change my habits in a way that isn’t temporary. I finally have the tools to go with the mindset shifts.”

— Christina, Human Design Coach

Let’s get your financial sh*t together

I’ve got you. Get in touch to book a discovery call.