I see you, building a dope 
business doing what you love

You know your sh*t. You’re not so much looking for long-term coaching to keep you accountable business-wise. 

BUT you still need support in the money department. 

Your finance strategy (or lack thereof) is slowing your growth… not helping you reach those big, beautiful goals. And you’re exhausted from pretending you’ve got it all covered. 

If that sounds familiar, I’ve got you. ⬇️

You might feel like you’re “just checking boxes” or only reviewing your accounts when you’re about to make a major purchase

You’re piecing together spreadsheets and multiple tools that don’t talk to each other, which zaps your creative energy

Maybe you hand everything over to your accountant at year-end, praying no one will notice you're not totally sure what you're doing 

You might judge yourself based on the numbers in your account, not the facts on how your money is moving

Finances can feel scary and overwhelming, even for experienced business owners.

Full Day Intensives set you up with a complete financial plan — so you can run with it

You’ll understand the exact steps you need to scale and hit your goals in a fun, shame-free way. 

Whether it’s overcoming an income plateau or pivoting into a new focus, you’ll have a simple strategy to reach your big business goals. 

What’s included

6 hours dedicated to your financials (virtually or in-person*)

Full financial plan, refined systems, and clear next steps 

6 weeks of follow-up support (via Voxer + 2 Zoom calls)

Payment plans available


And, yes, we’ll make sure your financial plan provides steps to earn back your investment!

“If we hadn't had that intensive day, my financial panic 
would be ten times worse when I see the number.”

“In changing my business structure this year and the way I’m planning for people, my expenses have also changed. My bank account has been in fluctuation with that. If we hadn’t had that intensive day, my financial panic would be ten times worse when I see the number. 

[Now], I’m unlearning to judge myself based on the number in the bank account [instead of] the actual data and information I have. What I really appreciated was the way you worked with me to determine what was going to be actionable for me. It's freeing to pay attention to that data.” 

— Skylar, Wedding Planner

Consistently earn full-time revenue, but don't have a financial strategy in place for paying themselves, forecasting taxes, growing the business, etc.

Intensives are for established creatives who:

Are pivoting to a new industry or offer, or otherwise entering a new stage of life and business

Currently have a CPA or bookkeeper, but want to understand what the numbers actually mean 

Want to get better at forecasting financials and anticipating costs

Need clear steps to move forward, but don’t need long-term, hands-on guidance

We can focus on:

  • Budgeting
  • Cash flow 
  • Tax planning
  • Hiring
  • Retirement 

Get clear on your business AND personal finances

How the hell does it work?

An efficient day that’s all about you, friend

Prior to the day, we’ll discuss where your business is at and what your goals are (promise, there is minimal pre-work for you, so don’t sweat that part) 

1) I’ll develop a fully customized agenda based on your goals

2) From 9am - 3pm, we’ll dig into everything, making sure you understand every single number (either virtually or in-person)

3) By the end of the day, we’ll go through your complete financial plan 

4) You’ll get 6 weeks of follow-up support so you can ask questions about things that bubble up afterward

“Finances have always been a murky area for me. From the moment I connected with [Jillian], I felt like I had a partner to guide me through the process.”

“That was extremely comforting because I was really overwhelmed and ashamed. I felt like I was navigating in the dark and there was a lot of fear associated with finances. 

It was a sense of relief having someone there to help me. I appreciated how reassuring you were and how you removed the stigma. 

My biggest win was the clarity around what I needed to do and what action steps I needed to take. You provide the tools and resources to help me be empowered and to have control over things, while also accepting the reality that I don’t have to do everything [myself].”

— Jillian K, Creative Consultant and Designer

Winging your finances is no fun

You’ve got it in you to FEEL like a CEO who relies on their numbers to make informed decisions.

Let’s get you a plan to prove it. 

How much is an Intensive?

The investment is $10,000 and payment plans are available. Intensives are designed to help you increase your business’s profitability long into the future. We’ll also put together realistic steps to make the investment back (+ more) as efficiently as possible.

Do I have to do a lot of prep work?

Nope! I’ve designed these Intensives to minimize homework leading up to them. I’ll let you know exactly what you need to gather so we can stay on track. Most clients spend about 1-2 hours getting ready.

Is there follow-up support?

Yes! Your Intensive includes 6 weeks of follow-up support (via Voxer + 2 Zoom calls).

Can we do an intensive in person if I'm not based in Atlanta? 

Yes! I love hosting clients in Atlanta, or I can travel to your city. Travel and lodging expenses are not included, but they can be added for a fee. Schedule a discovery call to learn more. 

Who are intensives good for?

They’re best for established business owners trying to reach exciting goals. 

Here are some common scenarios where an Intensive is perfect:

  • Your business is profitable, but sometimes you aren’t able to pay yourself a consistent salary 
  • You’re going through a business or client change and you want to make sure your finances support you through it
  • You have a big business or personal goal but aren't sure how to get there with your existing business model
  • You're receiving quarterly or monthly reports and figures from your accountant, but you don't know what they mean and how to use them in your business (and at this point, you're afraid to ask!)

How do I know if Coaching or an Intensive is better for me?

When you book a discovery call, I’ll help you figure out which is best for you. 

Typically, Coaching is for business owners who aren’t full-time yet and would benefit from ongoing support to implement things. Full Day Intensives are for well-established business owners who are making a change/pivot or trying to reach a new goal. 

Will you do my accounting or bookkeeping?

Accounting and bookkeeping aren’t part of my coaching services. That said, I take on a limited number of Accounting and Monthly CFO clients each year. Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when availability opens! 

My finances are all over the place…is that okay?

Yes! You do NOT need to have things figured out. That’s what I’m here for. There are no dumb questions and I take a 100% shame-free approach. We’ll work through it all, no matter how scattered your finances feel. 

What if I hate talking about money?

Then you sound like many of the creatives I support! I know money can be freaky. My ultimate goal is to guide you through it so you feel comfortable, informed, and in control. We’ll work on getting comfy with your numbers so you can make more of a profit with your creativity.


Is an Intensive right for you?

Let’s get your financial sh*t together

I’ve got you. Get in touch to book a discovery call.